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Часто находится народ, который че то парит… вот любят они из пустого в порожнее лить эту мутную воду…Высшего умения лить воду, конечно же достиг Путин))) Да и вообще, политики переняли эстафету у философов.Эта картинка символизирует всю суть этого впаривания, автор гениально изобразил мое внутреннее представление потока бессмысленной информации. http://travelmodels.tv/forum/showthread.php?p=33362#post33362

Post with Image

The aborigine, apparently uninjured, climbed quickly into the skiff, and seizing the spear with me helped to hold off the infuriated creature. Blood from the wounded reptile was now crimsoning the waters about us and soon from the weakening struggles it became evident that I had inflicted a death wound upon it. Presently its efforts[...]

Post with Slider

The aborigine, apparently uninjured, climbed quickly into the skiff, and seizing the spear with me helped to hold off the infuriated creature. Blood from the wounded reptile was now crimsoning the waters about us and soon from the weakening struggles it became evident that I had inflicted a death wound upon it. Presently its efforts[...]

Post with Video

The aborigine, apparently uninjured, climbed quickly into the skiff, and seizing the spear with me helped to hold off the infuriated creature. Blood from the wounded reptile was now crimsoning the waters about us and soon from the weakening struggles it became evident that I had inflicted a death wound upon it. Presently its efforts[...]

Post with Audio

The aborigine, apparently uninjured, climbed quickly into the skiff, and seizing the spear with me helped to hold off the infuriated creature. Blood from the wounded reptile was now crimsoning the waters about us and soon from the weakening struggles it became evident that I had inflicted a death wound upon it. Presently its efforts[...]